Heads up! We are pleased to announce that we are preparing to launch, in early October, a new ticketing system that promises to significantly improve the customer experience. As such, during the month of September we will not be selling any memberships. Watch for more information in the coming weeks.
The Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo is supported by a joint effort between the City of Palo Alto and the Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo. Together, they work to provide support and resources to the Junior Museum & Zoo, which enables us to create positive and meaningful experiences for visitors of all communities, backgrounds, and abilities.
Support us through the Friends of the Junior Museum & Zoo with a contribution to the Annual Fund. These gifts provide necessary support for the Friends and can be allocated where they are needed most. Your support enables the Friends to provide programs that expand access to the Museum & Zoo and many of our education opportunites, such as Super Family Sunday and Science Outreach.
Gifts to the Friends of the Junior Museum & Zoo may be designated towards the Commemorative Block Campaign for Exhibits. This helps fund exhibitions in our newly upgraded facility, and creates a commemorative building block that is proudly displayed on our community donor wall for a minimum of 15 years. These beautiful gifts may be custom inscribed with a name, a dedication or memorial, or an inspirational quote.
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More Ways to Donate
Support the Junior Museum & Zoo through the City of Palo Alto. Donations should be made by physical check, written out to the "City of Palo Alto", and designated to the "Junior Museum & Zoo" or the "JMZ". Checks can be delivered in-person or via mail to the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo, 1451 Middlefield Road Palo Alto, CA 94301.
Each annual membership at the Supporting Family level provides a tax deductible gift of $100.00 that supports the operations of the Junior Museum & Zoo.
Become a Member Today
Many companies will match your contribution to the Junior Museum & Zoo. Contact your employer to inquire about donation matching and double your contribution!
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